Crypto volatility index

crypto volatility index

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Bitcoin: Trends In Volatility
The crypto volatility index (CVI) is a decentralized VIX for cryptocurrency that allows users to restrict themselves against market volatility, as well as. Following the intuition of the "fear index" VIX for the American stock market, the VCRIX volatility index was created to capture the investor expectations about. Bitcoin Price-Volatility Correlation Turns Negative Again as Crypto Traders Eye FTX Liquidations The correlation between bitcoin (BTC) and its implied.
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Currently, a point EMA is in effect. Key options market gauge suggests ether could continue to see more action than bitcoin in the coming weeks. All the information featured on the website, including information about the cryptocurrencies and bitcoin is intended solely for informational purposes, is not a means of advertising them, and doesn't imply direct instructions for investing. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. The red CVIX demonstrates that the overwhelming majority of cryptocurrency options traders are fearful of significant price fluctuations, mostly to the downside.